Scholarships & Student Grants Funded by UWD
- Jamaica – three scholarships awarded
- Honduras – funds for 1 woman to attend a nurse refresher course at a U.S. community college
- Kenya – funds to help 1 girl attend secondary school
- Nepal – funds to continue scholarships for 2 girls (from 2013)
- Sierra Leone – funds to continue scholarships for 8 girls (from 2013) and for 2 new girls
- Star Mountain – funds to continue scholarships for 3 girls (from 2012) (click for more information)
- Tanzania (Rukwa Province) – funds to help 1 girl attend nursing school
- Tanzania (Southern Province) – funds for 1 woman to attend the Corat Leadership Institute
- Tanzania (Southwest Province) – funds reserved for 2 women to attend college when remaining funds are raised
- Tanzania (Western Province) – funds to continue technical school scholarship for 1 girl (from 2012)
- Uganda – funds to continue scholarships for 8 girls (from 2013)
- Zambia – funds to continue scholarships for 5 girls (from 2012-2013) (click for more information)
- Zambia – funds reserved for 1 woman to attend college when remaining funds are raised
- Albania – funds to help 2 girls attend preschool
- India – funds to help 1 girl attend secondary school
- Jamaica – funds to continue college scholarships for 4 girls (from 2012)
- Nepal – funds to help 1 girl attend kindergarten
- Sierra Leone – funds to help 8 girls to attend secondary school
- South Africa – funds to continue scholarships for 4 girls (from 2012)
- Tanzania (Rukwa Province) – funds to continue scholarships for 4 girls to attend secondary school
- Uganda – funds to help 5 girls to attend primary school
- Uganda – funds to help 3 girls to attend secondary school
- Zambia – funds to continue scholarships for 3 girls (from 2012)
- Jamaica – funds to help 4 girls to attend college
- Peru – funds to help 1 girl to attend seminary in Costa Rica
- South Africa – funds to help 4 girls to attend primary school
- Star Mountain – funds to help 3 girls to attend special needs school
- Tanzania (Rukwa Province) – funds to help 4 girls to attend secondary school
- Tanzania (Western Province) – funds to help 1 girl to attend technical school
- Zambia – funds to help 3 girls attend primary school and 3 girls attend secondary school
Student Grants (Non-Tuition)
- Honduras – Funds to buy fabric to make school uniforms
- Tanzania (Western Province) – Funds for school uniforms; administered through Adopt-a-Village
- Tanzania (Western Province) – Funds for school supplies; administered through Adopt-a-Village
- Tanzania (Western Province) – Funds for school desks