Clean Water Project (Nicaragua)

The Nicaragua Clean Water Project is sponsored by the Mission Society of the Moravian Church in the US Southern Province.

The goal of this project is to provide clean water and teach about the importance of clean water. Teaching is important because many people fall sick each year from using unclean water. Although the project is currently limited to Nicaragua, with additional resources (both financial and labor) it could be expanded to other locales.

The wells are typically drilled in communities near a church or school. The average cost per well is $2500.

If you are interested in participating in a well-drilling project, please contact the project coordinators, Chuck Nienow and Esther Tesh, via e-mail or at 336-764-0151.

If you would like to make a contribution to the Clean Water Project, you can do so through the Unity Women’s Desk (see Making Donations). You can also write a check to the Mission Society with the notation, “Clean Water Project” and mail it to:

Mission Society
500 S. Church Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101